Be a Donor
Help us build better futures!
Be a change maker, sponsor a child’s education.

Current Education Scenario:
84% of the seats reserved for “Students with disabilities” (SWD) in top colleges in India go vacant each year. These seats aren’t filled because of lack of applicants. There is a huge dropout rate during the transition from school to college.
Current Employment Scenario:
Despite 5% reservation in the public sector employment, the share of employment of “People with disabilities” (PWD) in all posts remains at 0.44%, that too mainly in Grade C and D jobs. People with disabilities aren’t able to apply for better jobs because they don’t fulfil the selection criteria or have required education qualification.
See your Impact in Action
All the students registered with IndicAI are verified, and the fee is directly paid to the education Institutes where they are enrolled. You will receive the fee receipts of the college and performance updates of the students sponsored by you regularly.
Tax Exemption
Indic AI has the 12A approvals and is eligible for CSR donations. Further all individual donations are exempted from Tax under Section 80G.
One-time Donations by Individuals or CSR
We help the corporate in designing scholarships as per their company requirements and provide end to end support in implementing the same. Companies can share their student’s criteria based on type of disability, gender, education, City, Family Income, Marks in latest exam, College etc.
Interested individual and corporate donors can send an email to with their requirements.